The are some facts about Google..
- The name Google is actually mispelling of word Googol- a mathematical term meaning a 1 followed by 100 zeroes.
- Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin originally named Google ‘Backrub!’.
- Google estimates that an ad on its homepage would cost $10 millions (Space isn't for sale).
- Google has more than 1 million servers -2 % of world's total. It recieves over 1 billion search requests every day.
- The Google homepage is available in over 80 languages. In Case of alien invasion , one of them is Star Trek’s Klingon.
- Google uses a web tool called to recruit new employees based on what they search for online.
If Google sees that you're searching for specific programming terms such as Python, they might just ask you to apply for a job.
- Larry and Sergey’s private planes have runways in NASA , where no other planes are allowed to land.
- No part of Google office is allowed to be more than 150 feet away from some kind of food.
- Google wanted to sell itself to online company Excite in 1999 for $1.6 million but the Excite CEO rejected the offer.
Google is now worth more than $300 billion. this is a sting.
- As part of their green initiative, Google regularly rents goats to mow the lawns of their mountain view HQ. The employees claim they find it calming to see goats outside the windows.
- Google’s CEO Larry Page and Co-founder Sergey Brin will be operated Google Alphabet which owns A to Z list of Brands..
A - Alphabet / Android / AdSense / Analytics / Ara / AdMob / Alerts
B - Blogger / Boston Dynamics / Books
C - Calico / Cardboard / Capital
D - Drive / DeepMind / Design / DoubleClick
E - Earth / Express
F - Fiber / Fi / Flights / FeedBurner / Firebase / Finance
G - Google / Gmail / Glass / Groups
H - Hangouts
I - Images / Ingress / Inbox / Invite Media
K - Keep/ Kotlin
L - Life Sciences / Local / Loon
M - Maps / My Business / Makani
N - Nest / News / Nexus / Now
O - Offers
P - Plus / Play / Photos / Picasa / Pixate / Patents
Q - (Nexus) Q
R - Refine / reCaptcha
S- Search / Shopping / SageTV /Stackdriver / Skybox / Skia / Scholar
T- Translate / Tango
U - URL shortener
V - Voice / Ventures / VirusTotal / Video
W - Wallet / Wing
X - X Labs
Y - YouTube
Z - Project Z / Zagat
You had seen i’m feeling lucky button next to Google Search button..what is the use of that button? Max guys knew it but who don't , read it
Homepage includes a button labelled “I'm feeling lucky” prior to change
in 2012 , when a user is typed in search box and clicked this button
the user eould be directly taken to the first search result , bypassing
the search engine results page.
Example: let, you typed FACEBOOK in search box and press Google Search button then you will get this result
And when on same input if you clicked i’m feeling lucky button , you will directly reach to this page
- The “I'm feeling lucky” button costs Google over $100 millions a year in lost ad revenue. It remains as studies show it comforts users.
Thank you..☺
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