Friday, 15 December 2017


The best way to keep your phone safe.
This is my present unlock pattern:
Earlier one:
You keep a pin or an easy password, they gaze at the screen while you're doing it, you're gone.
Even touch IDs don't work for me, my young brother lifts my finger when I'm busy doing something or when I'm sleeping and boom.
You keep a tough pattern, they gaze at your screen while you're unlocking it, then they gaze at you, and you give them that devilish smile and laugh inside,
What if you forget the pattern and you get that smile from that gazing head instead,
Hold on, I have a contingency plan too.
Every pattern can be converted into a nine digit number
Take this for example:
Code: 953816274
First number is 9 because I began from the lower right spot, second number is 5 cause then I went to the middle spot, then 3 cause I went to the top right corner and so on.
So, write this code somewhere, so you can refer it if you need.

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